Roxen WebServer 4.5.241-release4 (2008-02-14)

WebServer-specific changes


  • Administration Interface: Added possibility of a customizable title line. This is set in the Globals tab.
  • Administration Interface: Added page showing overview and allowing management of module priorities.
  • Modules: Added path limit option in PathInfo module.
  • Modules: Redirect module now supports permanent redirects. [Bug 4086] .
  • RXML: Implemented &; and &;.
  • RXML: Added implementation of <wash-html> attributes keep-attributes and link-target and fixed a number of bugs. [Bug 4406] .
  • RXML: Implemented generic <emit> attribute reverse.
  • RXML: Implemented <if#scope> to test for existance of a scope.
  • RXML: Added <format-numbers>.
  • Core: Default number of handler threads increased from 5 to 15.
  • Core: Disabled unnecessary and time-consuming MySQL optimization of image cache tables.
  • Core: Implemented support for If-None-Match header in the protocol cache.
  • Core: Implemented grace time feature for background refresh of protocol cache.
  • Core: Added support for protocol cache key invalidation if ENABLE_SPCI is defined.
  • Core: Enable MySQL slow query logging in the debug log directory. Can be disabled by setting ROXEN_MYSQL_SLOW_QUERY_LOG to 0.

Bug Fixes:

  • Modules: Fixed issue in Relay module with character sets, and corrected issue with 304 responses.
  • RXML: Fix in <cache> for error where RXML.Empty cannot be encoded. [Bug 4373] .
  • RXML: Fix in <gtext> where border="0" in output is replaced with CSS directive for better XHTML compatibility.
  • RXML: Added missing port number in Host header when using <insert#href>. [Bug 4330] .
  • RXML: Added support for redirects, made parser more tolerant to UTF-8 encoding errors, and fixed bug with missing port number in Host header in <insert#cached-href>. [Bug 4275] [Bug 4335] .
  • RXML: Fixed <email> bug where headers applied to subsequent <email> tags in a page. [Bug 4429] .
  • RXML: Fixed a leak in Windows when calling <emit#exec>.
  • RXML: Implemented proper encode/decode hooks in <emit#timerange> to make this tag persistently cacheable. [Bug 4369] .
  • RXML: Fixed bug in <cache> where RAM-cached entries with timeout would be lost prematurely.
  • RXML: Added documentation for <sed>.
  • RXML: <vinput> now sets type="text" in output.
  • RXML: <sscanf> no longer generates internal server error when format string is malformed.
  • RXML: Fixed <insert#href> to properly decode character set declarations in HTTP headers and <meta> tags.
  • RXML: Corrected reporting of parse errors and run-time errors for some types of RXML tags.
  • Core: Many SSL protocol fixes. [Bug 4304] .
  • Core: Fixed memory garbage issue with http -> https session upgrade.
  • Core: Fixes to LDAP connection pooling to avoid bugs related to memory handling and improper connection reuse. Fix error which appears in debug mode. [Bug 4349] [Bug 4374] .
  • Core: Extended the argument cache table definition to handle <cimg data=""> for data exceeding 64 Kbytes.
  • Core: Fixed bug with URL variables and internal redirects. [Bug 4454] .
  • Core: Fixes to the ABS feature which displays backtrace before a forced restart of a hung server.
  • Core: ExtSQL module fixes for charsets and blobs.
  • Core: Fixes in http protocol layer affecting Roxen Application Launcher.
  • Core: Changes to Mac OS X start and uninstall scripts.
  • Core: Configuration files now more closely follow XML spec (top-level tag added, and XML header is in lowercase).
  • Core: When running with ENABLE_NEW_ARGCACHE the argument cache initialization at startup runs much faster.
Improvement and bug tickets closed: 4086, 4275, 4304, 4330, 4335, 4349, 4369, 4373, 4374, 4406, 4429, 4454.

Pike-specific changes


  • Updated time zone data in Calendar module.
  • ODBC module is now multithreaded and includes fix for wide characters. ODBC lock can now be disabled with Odbc.connect_lock. [Bug 4354] .
  • Added Regexp.PCRE for widestring support.

Bug Fixes:

  • Workaround for error caused by negative system time in localtime(). [Bug 4337] .
  • Fix for time zone bug [Bug 4326] .
  • Fix for errno propagation in Protocols.HTTP.Query.
  • Improvements in Protocols.XMLRPC: only parse pages with status 200 OK, and a bug fix for string responses.
  • Fixes to Unicode support in MySQL module.
  • Avoid infinite loop in Image.XBM decoding.
  • Fixed GIF image decoding bug which corrupted the output. [Bug 3536]
  • Removed race condition in gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr().
  • Censor SQL passwords when printing backtraces.
  • Calendar module fixes to boundary cases for week numbers and other fixes backported from 7.6. [Bug 4452] [Bug 4418] .
  • Avoid a bug which caused zero_type() to return incorrect result in some circumstances.
  • Postgres compilation fixes backported from 7.6.
  • Avoid a problem where decoding of invalid string lengths triggered a crash.
  • Various internal fixes.
Improvement and bug tickets closed: 3536, 4326, 4337, 4354, 4418, 4452.

Roxen WebServer 4.5.146-release3 (2007-01-29)

Compatibility notice:

Installing Roxen on Microsoft Windows Vista

The Roxen CMS or Roxen WebServer installer will fail on Windows Vista unless the following steps are taken first:

  1. Log in as administrator.
  2. Go to Control Panel.
  3. Click on User Accounts to bring up a new list of choices.
  4. Click on User Accounts in this new view.
  5. Click Turn User Account Control on or off.
  6. Uncheck the checkbox Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer and save the changes.

WebServer-specific changes


  • Administration Interface: Implemented drop-down menu for rapid switching among all databases in the DB tab.
  • RXML: <debug> now accepts a showlog attribute which sends the server debug log.
  • RXML: Improved tracing of <if> tag plugins.
  • RXML: <insert#cached-href> tag module now has a Clear Database button.
  • RXML: The Preferred Language Analyzer module can now suggest languages based on path of requested page.
  • Modules: File system modules now have an option to completely disable all forms of server parsing.
  • Core: Added lots of optional logging parameters for internal state and performance measurements.
  • Core: Implemented $xff logging parameter for X-Forwarded-For HTTP headers.
  • Core: Added support for triggering thread dumps through monitoring of a specific external file.

Bug Fixes:

  • RXML: Multiple fixes for <vform>, among other things for empty values are now recognized in optional fields instead of reverting to the default value. [Bug 3485]
  • RXML: The <email> tag now sets a Date header in outgoing mails.
  • RXML: Fixed <contents> expression parser to handle // constructs properly. [Bug 4249]
  • RXML: Repaired broken &page.ssl-strength; entity. [Bug 4290]
  • Administration Interface: Don't redirect to last displayed wizard for a given tab in case that wizard had side-effects (e.g. Flush Caches). [Bug 4271]
  • Modules: LDAP fixes to support ldaps: protocol. [Bug 4281]
  • Modules: Corrected implementation of query_action_buttons() to match previous documentation, and extended it to allow more flexible return values to allow for e.g. disabled buttons.
  • Modules: Reduce amount of logging for e.g. <cimg> when a missing file is requested.
  • Core: Fixes to the new argcache replication system when reading data generated by an older version.
  • Core: Corrected timestamp error for argcache databases which would lead CMS to perform redundant replication of data.
  • Core: Two race conditions in the image cache handler have been solved.
  • Core: Fixed infinite recursion that could occur for 401 response pages. [Bug 4254]
  • Core: Improved internal RAM cache cleaning to cope with large amounts of entries in reasonable time.
  • Core: Corrected Anti-Blocking feature to detect hung handler threads and extended configuration setting to include 30 and 60 minute options.
  • Core: Fixes to SSL blocking problem.
  • Core: Extended an earlier fix for scheduled <cimg> database table optimizations which was not working as expected when modules were reloaded.
  • Core: Fixed problem where the RoxenUserID cookie could be set for the wrong request. [Bug 4288]
  • Core: Additional fixes related to HTTP byte ranges.
  • Core: Bug fix for the --generations startup parameter.
  • Core: Fixed logging of $content-type when sending pages from RAM cache. [Bug 4237]
  • Core: Multiple fixes to FTP protocols for sessions, authentications and race conditions. [Bug 4216]
  • Core: Fixed broken Tetris protocol (wohoo!)
Improvement and bug tickets closed: 3485, 4216, 4237, 4249, 4254, 4271, 4281, 4288, 4290.

Pike-specific changes

Bug Fixes:

  • Lots of changes related to character set handling in MySQL connections.
  • Fixed get_dir() to observe stack limits properly.

Roxen WebServer 4.5.111-release2 (2006-10-11)

WebServer-specific changes


  • RXML: Added some new <gtext> attributes: no-auto-alpha, baseline-offset and oversampling.
  • Modules: Host Redirect module can now disable redirects if a certain URL variable is present.
  • Core: Extended access logging format variables and added logfile compression option. [Bug 4183]
  • Core: Implemented Unicode character set handling in MySQL connections and RXML tags.
  • Core: Improved LDAP interface reporting of character set decoding problems as well as invalid DN values.
  • Core: The number of files kept when rotating debug logs is now configurable via the start script parameter --generations.
  • Core: Made status message for sites employing virtual hosting more compact.

Bug Fixes:

  • RXML: Fixed bug involving RXML tags and entities that return RXML.empty values.
  • RXML: Made <replace> adhere to Roxen 4.0 compatibility level with regards to entity quoting.
  • RXML: <insert cached-href> will no longer store 404 responses in the database.
  • RXML: Last modified timestamp is now correctly propagated from <insert file>.
  • RXML: Corrected issue with //foo[1] step patterns in <contents>.
  • RXML: <cimg> and <imgs> now signals an error for empty src attributes. [Bug 4246] [Bug 4171]
  • RXML: Fixed problem with missing entity decoding in <gxml>. [Bug 4221]
  • Modules: Solved some redirect loops in the Host Redirect module. Fixed detection of non-HTTP requests, and improved interaction with the protocol-level cache.
  • Modules: The Expires module now avoids Vary headers for better MS Internet Explorer compatibility.
  • Core: Several changes to the protocol-level cache to improve cookie and Vary header compatibility.
  • Core: HTTP protocol fixes for keep-alive and byte ranges. [Bug 4213]
  • Core: FTP protocol fix for MSLD.
  • Core: SSL sessions should no longer generate backtraces in the debug log.
  • Core: The Download Debug Log button is now aware of multiple server instances running from the same installation directory. [Bug 4230]
  • Core: Fixed problem in Add Module page where list style was not preserved correctly after reloading a module with compile errors.
  • Core: The Run Garbage Collector button in the memory debug wizard should now work again in all browsers.
  • Core: The Perl launch script now searches the system paths instead of using a hardcoded path.

Pike-specific changes


  • Switched to custom memory handling library on Windows to reduce memory fragmentation problems. Also adjusted policy for array/multiset growth for the same reason.
  • Implemented character set handling for MySQL connections.
  • Added IA32 machine code generation for the byte-code compiler on Mac OS X.
  • Many enhancements to the Image module to support CMYK format, EPS variations, little-endian TIFF files, GhostScript timeout and more.

Bug Fixes:

  • XML validator fixes in (among other things) <!ELEMENT> support.
  • Fixed ODBC error with truncated field names. [Bug 4206]
  • Various internal fixes for compiler errors, 2GB+ files, memory handling, asyncronous HTTP queries etc. [Bug 4173] [Bug 4231]

Roxen WebServer 4.5.78-release1 (2006-06-01)

WebServer-specific changes


  • Support for IPv6 added.
  • HTTP: The protocol cache-strategy has been improved, and is now more aggressive.
  • HTTP: The HTTP/1.1 Vary header is now generated automatically in many cases.
  • When clicking the Add module button you now have access to a drop-down menu for choosing presentation style as well as a search field. Type one or more search words in the field gives live filtering of the modules that match the query. Note that this option may be disabled for some presentation styles.
  • If the same module can be loaded from several files it is now complained about it instead of having one loaded silently at random. If the files have the same content (typically due to the same file occurring several times because of duplicate paths or symlinks) then only a warning is issued, otherwise an error is logged and Roxen refuses to load the module.
  • SSL: The SSL3 implementation has been significantly rewritten to solve a lot of known problems.
  • LDAP: Improved support and robustness.
  • RXML: Encodings may now be chained.
  • Lots of improved diagnostics.
  • Lots of minor bugfixes.