Roxen WebServer 3.3 Release Notes
The following is a list of major new or updated features in Roxen WebServer 3.3.
- Added support for enabling networking in the internal MySQL server.
Enabling is done by setting the environment variable
"ROXEN_MYSQL_TCP_PORT", and optionally also the environment
variable "MYSQL_HOST" (defaults to
- Added support for local/environment.ini on Windows which may
contain default command line arguments and a list of environment
variables to set before starting Roxen.
Configuration Interface
- New variable to toggle font oversampling.
- Limit subrequests variable to protect from infinite insertion loops.
- New configuration action: Debug summary
- Improved 'Resolve path' wizard.
- Read only mode for configuration users now available on the DBs tab.
- It's now possible to delete DB groups.
- Added a new scope "header" which is the same mapping as
RXML_CONTEXT->misc[" _extra_heads"].
Fixed the buggy handling of unset variables and variables with the
integer value 0, unless we're in 2.2 compatibility mode. This
change is incompatible in the following two notable cases:
- <if variable=" is "> is true in 2.2 when is
unset. It's false both in earlier releases and as of now in 3.3.
- <if variable=""> is false in 2.2 when has the
integer value 0. In earlier releases and as of now in 3.3 it's
always true when the variable has a value at all.
- Implemented handling of cache static tags to improve caching; see
documentation of FLAG_IS_CACHE_STATIC for details.
- Improved handling of dates in <vform> making it possible to verify
dates on other formats than ISO.
- Added attribute "expr-cache" for overriding cache timeout in <if>
plugin expressions.
- Added scope argument to <contents> so that it can be associated
with some other than the innermost surrounding <define>.
New Module
- Java Web Application Bridge module
An interface to Java Servlets.
Other Core Changes
- Fixed a way to conveniently inherit Roxen modules:
inherit "roxen-module://some_module";
- SloppyDOM parser.
- License framework (not used in WebServer).