Roxen WebServer 2.2


Download this version if you are from the US or Canada.

If you download or intent to use the Roxen WebServer in the US or Canada you should download any of the Roxen WebServer distributions below. These distributions does not include the LZW algorithm that may be used for image processing in the Roxen WebServer. The LZW algorith is patented by Unisys in the US and Canada. If you use any other distribution than these below in the US or Canada without paying the license fee to Unisys you will be violating the patent. Roxen WebServer not including the LZW algorithm lacks the capability to encode/decode TIFF and GIF image formats.

  I'm in USA or Canada


Download this version if you are NOT from the US or Canada.

The distributions below includes the LZW algorithm and these are capable to encode and decode the GIF and TIFF image formats. You should be aware that the LZW algorithm is patented in the US and Canada and is pending elsewhere, and using this software in these countries means you are violating the Unisys LZW patent.

  I'm in another country